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79. Jean-Philippe Chauvin, Zosia Zielinski and Derek A. Pratt* Inspired by Garlic: The Chemistry of Organosulfur Radical-Trapping Antioxidants. A Synopsis in preparation for Journal of Organic Chemistry. (invited contribution)


78. Bo Li and Derek A. Pratt* Inhibition of Lipid Peroxidation by Naphthyridinols and their Derivatives in Liposomes and Cell Culture. In preparation.


77. Evan A. Haidasz, Derek Meng, Riccardo Amorati, Keith U. Ingold, Luca Valgimigli,* and Derek A. Pratt* The Mechanism of (Acid-Catalyzed) Radical-Trapping Antioxidant Activity of Hindered Amine Light Stabilizers (Nitroxides). In preparation.


76. Bo Li, Feng Zheng and Derek A. Pratt* Molecular Mechanisms of the Medicinal Thiosulfinates from Garlic and Anamu: They are not Antioxidants. In preparation.


75. Luca Valgimigli* and Derek A. Pratt* Maximizing the Reactivity of Phenolic and Aminic Radical-Trapping Antioxidants: Just Add Nitrogen! Accounts of Chemical Research 2015, 48, submitted. (invited contribution) 


74. Ron Shah, Evan A. Haidasz, Luca Valgimigli and Derek A. Pratt* Unprecedented Inhibition of Hydrocarbon Autoxidation by Diarylamine Radical-Trapping Antioxidants. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2015137, in press.


73. Bo Li and Derek A. Pratt* Determining the Efficacy of Radical-Trapping Antioxidants. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 2015, in press. (invited contribution)


72. Byran S. Matsuura, Mitchell H. Keylor, Bo Li, YuXuan Lin, Shelby Allison, Derek A. Pratt* and Corey R. J. Stephenson* Concise Synthesis and Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity of Resveratrol Dimers. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 201554, in press. (selected as a 'hot paper')





71. Evan Haidasz, Ron Shah and Derek A. Pratt* The Catalytic Mechanism of Diarylamine Radical-Trapping Antioxidants. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2014, 136, 16643-16650. (selected for a 'JACS spotlight')


70. Keith U. Ingold* and Derek A. Pratt* Advances in Radical-Trapping Antioxidant Chemistry in the 21st Century: A Kinetics and Mechanisms Perspective. Chemical Reviews 2014, 114, 9022-9046.


69. Graham E. Garrett, Elena Mueller, Derek A. Pratt and J. Scott Parent* Reactivity of Polyolefins Towards Cumyloxyl Radical: Yields and Regioselectivity of Hydrogen Atom Transfer. Macromolecules 2014, 47, 544-551.


68. Zosia Zielinski, Nathalie Presseau, Riccardo Amorati, Luca Valgimigli* and Derek A. Pratt* Redox Chemistry of Selenenic Acids and the Inisight it Brings on Transition State Geometry in the Reactions of Peroxyl Radicals. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2014, 136, 1570-1578


Armin Pfeil, Johan Brinkhorst, Luca Valgimigli, Didier Gigmes, Derek A. Pratt and Denis Bertin Inhibitor Combination, Resin Mixture Containing Same and Use of Same. United States Patent 8,735,474 (2014).


Armin Pfeil, Johan Brinkhorst, Luca Valgimigli, Didier Gigmes, Derek A. Pratt and Denis Bertin Inhibitor Combination, Resin Mixture Containing Same and Use of Same. United States Patent Application 2014/0224424 A1 (2014).


Derek A. Pratt, Jason J. Hanthorn and Luca Valgimigli Substituted Diarylamines and Use of Same as Antioxidants. United States Patent Application 2014/0206585 A1 (2014).


Philip Jessop, Paul Thornton, Shannon Decker, Derek A. Pratt, Zheng Feng and Lynn Leger Thiosulfinate Antioxidants and Methods of Use Thereof. United States Patent Application 2014/0323562 A1 (2014).




67. Luca Valgimigli,* Daniela Bartolomei, Riccardo Amorati, Evan Haidasz, Jason J. Hanthorn, Susheel J. Nara, Johan Brinkhorst and Derek A. Pratt* 3-Pyridinols and 5-Pyrimidinols: Tailor-Made for Use in Synergistic Radical-Trapping Co-Antioxidant Systems. Bielstein Journal of Organic Chemistry 2013, 9, 2781-2792. (invited contribution to special issue on organic radical chemistry)


66. Evan Haidasz, Bo Li and Derek A. Pratt* Reaction Mechanisms: Radical and Radical Ion Reactions. Royal Society of Chemistry, Annual Reports on Progress in Chemistry, Section B, 2013, 109, 295-327. (invited contribution)


65. Feng Zheng and Derek A. Pratt* Radical-Trapping Antioxidant Generation and Regeneration: The Amazing

Combination of Lipophilic Thiosulfinates and Hydrophilic Thiols. Chemical Communications 2013, 49, 8181-8183.

64. Bo Li, Jitendra R. Harjani, Nicholas S. Cormier, Hasam Madarati, Jeffrey Atkinson, Gonzalo Cosa and Derek A. Pratt* Besting Vitamin E: Sidechain Substitution is Key to the Reactivity of Naphthyridinol Antioxidants in Lipid Bilayers. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135, 1394-1405.


Armin Pfeil, Johan Brinkhorst, Luca Valgimigli, Didier Gigmes, Derek A. Pratt and Denis Bertin Inhibitor Combination, Resin Mixture Containing Same and Use of Same. United States Patent Application 2013/0123393 A1 (2013).



63. Jason J. Hanthorn, Evan Haidasz, Paul Gebhardt and Derek A. Pratt* A Versatile Fluorescence Approach to  Kinetic Studies of Hydrocarbon Autoxidations and their Inhibition by Radical-Trapping Antioxidants. Chemical

Communications 2012, 48, 10141-10143.


62. Jason J. Hanthorn, Riccardo Amorati, Luca Valgimigli,* and Derek A. Pratt* The Reactivity of Air-Stable Pyridine- and Pyrimidine-Containing Diarylamine Antioxidants. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2012, 77, 6895-6907.

61. Jason J. Hanthorn, Luca Valgimigli and Derek A. Pratt* The Preparation of Highly Reactive Pyridine- and Pyrimidine-Containing Diarylamine Antioxidants. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2012, 77, 6908-6916.

60. Min Huang, Graham E. Garrett, Nicolas Birlirakis, Luis Bohé, Derek A. Pratt,* and David Crich* Dissecting the Mechanisms of a Class of Chemical Glycosylation Using Primary 13C Kinetic Isotope Effects. Nature Chemistry 2012, 4, 663-667.

59. Riccardo Amorati, Philip T. Lynett, Luca Valgimigli,* and Derek A. Pratt* The Role of Sulfenic Acids on the Radical Trapping Antioxidant Activity of Plant-Derived Thiosulfinates. Chemistry - A European Journal 2012, 18, 6370-6379.

58. Jason J. Hanthorn, Luca Valgimigli,* and Derek A. Pratt* The Effect of Ring Nitrogens on the Radical-Trapping Activity of Diphenylamine Antioxidants; Striking a Balance Between Reactivity and Stability. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2012, 134, 8306-8308.

57. Jason J. Hanthorn and Derek A. Pratt* Peroxyesters as Precursors to Peroxyl Radical Clocks. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2012, 77, 276-284.

Luca Valgimigli* and Derek A. Pratt* Antioxidants in Chemistry and Biology in Encyclopedia of Radicals in Chemistry, Biology and Materials (Chatgilialoglu, C; Studer, A., eds.), 2012, 3, 1623-1677. (invited contribution)



56. Nathan C. Ni, Dong Yan, Laurel L. Ballantyne, Alma Barajas-Espinosa, Tim St. Amand, Derek A. Pratt and Colin D. Funk* A Selective Cysteinyl Leukotriene Receptor 2 Antagonist Blocks Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury and Vascular

Permeability in Mice. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 2011, 339, 768-778.

55. Brent Wathen, Derek A. Pratt,* and Zongchao Jia* Hyperconjugation Contributes to the Bimodal Distribution of Glycine Conformations Observed in Protein 3-Dimensional Structures. ChemBioChem 2011, 12, 1674-1677.


54. Derek A. Pratt, Keri A. Tallman, Ned A. Porter* Free Radical Oxidation of Polyunsaturated Lipids: New Mechanistic Insights and the Development of Peroxyl Radical Clocks. Accounts of Chemical Research 2011, 44, 458-467.


 53. Philip T. Lynett, Krista Butts, Vipraja Vaidya, Graham E. Garrett and Derek A. Pratt* The Mechanism of Antioxidant Activity of Plant-Derived Thiosulfinates. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 2011, 9, 3320-3330. (invited contribution to special issue in memory of Athel Beckwith) 


52. Markus Griesser, Valentina Pistis, Takashi Suzuki, Noemi Tejera, Derek A. Pratt and Claus Schneider* Autoxidative and -2 Catalyzed Transformation of the Dietary Chemopreventive Agent Curcumin. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2011, 286, 1114-1124.


Armin Pfeil, Luca Valgimigli, Didier Gigmes, Denis Bertin and Derek A. Pratt Synergistische Inhibitorkombinationen auf Basis von Pyri(mi)dinolen und Phenolen. German Patent Application 102011077254 B3 (2011).



51. Alaina J. McGrath, Graham E. Garrett, Luca Valgimigli,* and Derek A. Pratt* The Redox Chemistry of Sulfenic Acids. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2010, 132, 16759-16761.      


50. Remi Serwa, Tae-Gyu Nam, Luca Valgimigli, Sean Culbertson, Christopher L. Rector, Byeong-Seon Jeong,* Derek A. Pratt* and Ned A. Porter Preparation and Investigation of Vitamin B6-Derived Aminopyridinol Antioxidants. Chemistry - A European Journal 2010, 16, 14106-14114.


49. Sean Malmberg, J. Scott Parent, Derek A. Pratt and Ralph A. Whitney* Isomerization and Elimination Reactions of Brominated Poly(isobutylene-co-isoprene). Macromolecules 2010, 43, 8456-8461.


48. Mario C. Foti,* Riccardo Amorati* Gian Franco Pedulli, Carmelo Daquino, Derek A. Pratt, and Keith U. Ingold Influence of Remote Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonds on the Stabilities of Phenoxyl Radicals and Benzyl Cations. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2010, 75, 4434-4440.

47. Riccardo Amorati, Gian Franco Pedulli, Derek A. Pratt,* and Luca Valgimigli* TEMPO Reacts with Oxygen-Centered Radicals Under Acidic Conditions. Chemical Communications 2010, 46, 5139-5141.

46. Di Hu and Derek A. Pratt* Secondary Orbital Interactions in the Propagation Steps of Lipid Peroxidation. Chemical Communications 2010, 46, 3711-3713.

45. Susheel J. Nara, Luca Valgimigli,* Gian Franco Pedulli and Derek A. Pratt* Unnatural Amino Acids for Probing Radical Transfer in Peptides and Proteins. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2010, 132, 863-872.

Derek A. Pratt* Garlic and Other Alliums, by Eric Block. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2010, 49, 7162.


Derek A. Pratt, Luca Valgimigli, Gino A. DiLabio Novel Chain-Breaking Antoxidants. United States Patent Application 2010/0046183 A1 (2010).




44. Tae-Gyu Nam, Susheel J. Nara, Irene Zagol-Ikapitte, Tom Cooper, Luca Valgimigli, John A. Oates, Ned A. Porter, Olivier Boutaud* and Derek A. Pratt* Pyridine and Pyrimidine Analogs of Acetaminophen as Inhibitors of Lipid Peroxidation and Cyclooxygenase and Lipoxygenase Catalysis. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 2009, 7, 5103-5112.

43. Luca Valgimigli,* Riccardo Amorati, Sylvia Petrucci, Gian Franco Pedulli, Di Hu, Jason J. Hanthorn and Derek A. Pratt*  Unexpected Acid Catalysis in Reactions of Peroxyl Radicals with Phenols. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2009, 48, 8348-8351.

42. Matthew D. Morrison, Jason J. Hanthorn and Derek A. Pratt* Synthesis of Pyrrolnitrin and Related Halogenated Phenylpyrroles. Organic Letters 2009
11, 1051-1054.

41. Vipraja Vaidya, Keith U. Ingold and Derek A. Pratt* Garlic: Source of the Ultimate Antioxidants – Sulfenic Acids. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2009, 48, 157-160.


Derek A. Pratt, Luca Valgimigli, Gino A. DiLabio Novel Chain-Breaking Antoxidants. United States Patent 7,547,709 (2009).



40. Susheel J. Nara, Mukund Jha, Johan Brinkhorst, Tony Zemanek and Derek A. Pratt* A Simple Cu-Catalyzed Coupling Approach to Substituted 3-Pyridinol and 5-Pyrimidinol Antioxidants. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2008, 73, 9326-9333.

39. Johan Brinkhorst, Susheel J. Nara and Derek A. Pratt* Hock Cleavage of Cholesterol 5α-Hydroperoxide: An Ozone-Free Pathway to the Cholesterol Ozonolysis Products Identified in Arterial Plaque and Brain Tissue. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2008, 130, 12224-12225. 


38. Mukund Jha and Derek A. Pratt* Kinetic Solvent Effects on Peroxyl Radical Reactions. Chemical Communcations 2008, 44, 1252-1254.

​37. Luca Valgimigli,* Riccardo Amorati, Maria Grazio Fumo, Gino A. DiLabio, Gian Franco Pedulli, Keith U. Ingold and Derek A. Pratt* The Unusual Reaction of Semiquinone Radicals with Molecular Oxygen. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2008, 73, 1830-1841.





36. Tae-Gyu Nam, Christopher L. Rector, Hye-Young Kim, A. F.-P. Sonnen, R. Meyer, Werner M. Nau, Jeffrey Atkinson, Julia Rintoul, Derek A. Pratt* & Ned A. Porter* Tetrahydro-1,8-Naphthyridinol Analogues of -Tocopherol as Antioxidants in Lipid Membranes and Low Density Lipoproteins. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2007, 129, 10211-10219.

35. Claus Schneider, Derek A. Pratt, Ned A. Porter & Alan R. Brash* Control of Oxygenation Specificity in Cyclooxygenase and Lipoxygenase Catalysis. Chemistry & Biology 2007, 14, 473-488.



34. Derek A. Pratt* & Wilfred A. van der Donk* On the Role of Alkylcobalamins in the Vitamin B12-Catalyzed Reductive Dehalogenation of Perchloroethylene and Trichloroethylene. Chemical Communications 2006, 558-560.

33. Russell P. Pesevanto, Derek A. Pratt, Jerry Jeffers & Wilfred A.van der Donk* Model Studies of the CuB Site of Cytochrome c Oxidase Utilizing a Zn(II) Complex Containing an Imidazole-Phenol Cross-Linked Ligand. Dalton Transactions 2006, 3326-3337.

32. William P. Roschek, Jr., Keri A. Tallman, Jason G. Gillmore, Derek A. Pratt, Carlo Punta & Ned A. Porter* Peroxyl Radical Clocks. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2006, 71, 3527-3532.

31. Kristina E. Furse, Derek A. Pratt, Claus Schneider, Alan Brash, Ned A. Porter & Terry P. Lybrand* Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Arachidonic Acid-Derived Pentadienyl Radical Intermediate Complexes with COX-1 and COX-2: Insights into Oxygenation Regio- and Stereoselectivity. Biochemistry 2006, 45, 3206-3218.

30. Kristina E. Furse, Derek A. Pratt, Ned A. Porter & Terry P. Lybrand* Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Arachidonic Acid Complexes with COX-1 and COX-2: Insights into Equilibrium Behavior. Biochemistry 2006, 45, 3189-3205.




29. Hye-Young Kim, Derek A. Pratt*, Jennifer Seal, Maikel Wijtmans & Ned A. Porter* Lipid-Soluble 3-Pyridinol Antioxidants Spare -Tocopherol and Do Not Efficiently Mediate Peroxidation of Cholesterol Esters in Human Low-Density Lipoprotein. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2005, 48, 6787-6789.

28. Derek A. Pratt, Russell P. Pesevanto & Wilfred A. van der Donk* Model Studies of the Histidine-Tyrosine Cross-Link in Cytochrome c Oxidase Reveal the Flexible Substituent Effect of the Imidazole Moiety. Organic Letters 2005, 7, 2735-2738.

27. Tae-gyu Nam, Maikel Wijtmans, Derek A. Pratt* & Ned A. Porter* Regioselective Addition of n-Alkyllithium to ,’-Disubstituted-1,8-Naphthyridines: Synthesis of 6-Amino-3-Pyridinol Analogs of -Tocopherol. Synthesis 2005, 9, 1397-1404.

26. Peter Mulder,* Hans-Gert Korth, Derek A. Pratt, Gino DiLabio, Luca Valgimigli, Gian Franco Pedulli & K. U. Ingold A Critical Re-Evaluation of the O-H Bond Dissociation Enthalpy of Phenol. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2005, 109, 2647-2655.

25. Kevin M. McCauley, Derek A. Pratt, Scott R. Wilson, Justin Shey, Theodore J. Burkey & Wilfred A. van der Donk* Properties and Reactivity of Chlorovinylcobalamin and Vinylcobalamin and their Implications for Vitamin B12-Catalyzed Reductive Dechlorination of Chlorinated Alkenes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2005, 127, 1126-1136.

24. Derek A. Pratt* & Wilfred A. van der Donk* Theoretical Investigations into the Intermediacy of Chlorinated Vinylcobalamins in the Reductive Dechlorination of Chlorinated Ethylenes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2005, 127, 384-396.


Derek A. Pratt, Luca Valgimigli, Gino A. DiLabio Novel Chain-Breaking Antoxidants. United States Patent Application 2005/0065174 A1 (2005).

pre-2005: see Derek's CV.​



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