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Derek A. Pratt, Associate Professor &
Canada Research Chair in Free Radical Chemistry

Derek is an Ottawa native, but left to pursue his Ph.D. and post-doc in the U.S. before returning to Canada to start his career as an Assistant Professor and Canada Research Chair at Queen’s in 2005. In 2010, he moved back to Ottawa as Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair. When not focused on scientific endeavours, Derek enjoys travel, food and drink (preferably all three associated with one and other), sports, German cars, cooking, home renovations, and of course, relaxing at the cottage. You can reach Derek at with questions about the Group’s research and/or opportunities...


Date of Birth: April 10, 1976

Hometown: Ottawa, Canada

Citizenship: Canada


Associate Professor & Canada Research Chair
University of Ottawa, 2010-present
Assistant Professor & Canada Research Chair
Queen’s University, 2005-2010



Honours & Awards


PDF, University of Illinois (2005)

advisor: W. A. van der Donk

Ph.D., Vanderbilt University (2003)

advisor: N. A. Porter

B.Sc., Carleton University (1999)

advisor: K. U. Ingold​

Canadian Society for Chemistry Keith Fagnou Award (2015)

Canada Research Chair in Free Radical Chemistry (2011-16; 2005-10)
Polanyi Prize in Chemistry (2007)
Early Researcher Award (2006)
Thieme Journal Award (2006)
Jane Coffin Childs Medical Research Post-Doctoral Fellowship (2004-2005)
Julie Payette NSERC Post-Graduate Scholarship (2001-2003)
NSERC Post-Graduate Scholarship (1999-2001)

Senate Medal (1999)

President’s Scholarship (1995-1999)​

Recent/Upcoming Invited Lectures

Pacifichem - Bioorganic Reaction Mechanisms Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii (December, 2015)

Pacifichem - Reactive Intermediates and Unusual Molecules Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii (December, 2015)

Pacifichem - New Organosulfur Chemistry Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii (December, 2015)

7th Pacific Symposium on Radical Chemistry, Singapore (July, 2015)

Infineum Co. UK, Milton, Hill, UK (July, 2015) 

University of Oxford, UK (July, 2015)

98th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Ottawa (June, 2015)

State University of New York at Potsdam (April, 2015)

BASF Corp., Tarrytown, NY (February, 2015)

University of Michigan (February, 2015)


Southern Illinois University (2014)

St. Louis University (2014)

Estee Lauder (Canada) Ltd., Markham, ON (2014)

EUChem Conference on Organic Free Radicals, Prague (2014)

iCHAT - International Congress on Hydrogen Atom Transfer, Rome (2014)

8th Meeting of the Canadian Oxidative Stress Consortium, Ottawa (2014)

17th Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research International, Kyoto (2014)

Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University (2014)


Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA (2013)

BASF Corp., Tarrytown, NY (2013) 

Lubrizol Corp., Wycliffe, OH (2013)

University of Guelph (2013)

Gordon Research Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry, Plymouth, NH (2013)

96th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Quebec City (2013)
Monash University, Melbourne (2013)

University of Windsor (2013)
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI (2013)
James Flack Norris Award Symposium, ACS Spring Meeting, New Orleans, LA (2013)


Western Australia RACI Synthesis Symposium, Curtin University, Perth (2012)

South Australia RACI Synthesis Symposium, University of Adeliade, Adelaide (2012)
Victoria RACI Synthesis Symposium, University of Melbourne, Melbourne (2012)
New South Wales RACI Synthesis Symposium, University of New South Wales, Sydney (2012)
Queensland RACI Synthesis Symposium, Griffiths University, Brisbane (2012)
ARC Centre of Excellence in Free Radical Chemistry Annual Meeting, Univ. Wollongong (2012)
University of Sydney (2012)
University of Melbourne (2012)
Australian National University, Canberra (2012)

Infineum USA L.P., Linden, NJ (2012)

11th International Symposium on Organic Free Radicals, Bern, Switzerland (2012)
Boston College (2012)
Boston University (2012)
Jim Franz Memorial Symposium, ACS Spring Meeting, San Diego, CA (2012)
University of Ottawa BIOMOLAR Network (2012)
Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS (2012)
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON (2012)


University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC (2011)

Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC (2011)
University of Victoria (2011)
Strathclyde University & University of Glasgow, UK (2011)
University of Manchester, UK (2011)
University of St Andrews, UK (2011)

Infineum Co. UK, Milton, Hill, UK (2011)

5th Pacific Symposium on Radical Chemistry, Osaka, Japan (2011)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2011)
University of Toronto (2011)

Hilti Corp., Kaufering, Germany (2011)
University of Paris 7, France (2011)


Pacifichem - Reactive Intermediates Symposium, Honolulu, HI (2010)

QOMSBOC, St. Catherines, ON (2010)
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN (2010)
Carleton University, Ottawa, ON (2010)
41st NSF Workshop on Organic Synthesis and Natural Products, Holderness, NH (2010)
EUCHEM Conference on Organic Free Radicals, Bologna, Italy (2010)
University of Ottawa (2010)
10th Organic Workshop for Leading Young Canadian Chemists, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON (2010)
Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA (2010)

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD (2010)


4th Pacific Symposium on Radical Chemistry, Shanghai, China (2009)

University of Provence, Marseille, France (2009)
Young Investigators Symposium, ACS Fall Meeting, Washignton, DC (2009)
Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles, CNRS, Gif, France (2009)

McGill University, Montreal, QC (2009)

10th International Symposium on Organic Free Radicals, Heron Island, Australia (2008)


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