The Pratt Group
Organic & Bioorganic Chemistry
Home of the Pratt Group - D'Iorio Hall 328 and 329

D'Iorio 328 - Synthesis Lab
D'Iorio 329 - Instrument Lab
D'Iorio 329A - Laser Lab
Some of the Instruments Used Daily in our Labs
For organic synthesis:

One per researcher, either of the 8-ft or
5-ft variety, with all the associated goodies!
Miscellaneous Lab Equipment
Rotovaps, balances, ovens, pH meters,
centrivap, photoreactor, etc...

Solvent Purification System
with our most commonly used solvents: acetonitrile, methylene chloride, hexane, THF and toluene
For analysis:

Waters UPLC/UV-Vis/MS/MS
Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatograph
with both Photodiode Array and
Triple-Quadrupole Mass Spectral Detectors
Waters HPLC/UV-Vis
High-Performance Liquid Chromatograph
with Photodiode Array Detector
Agilent GC/FID and GC/MS
Gas Chromatograph with Flame-Ionization
Detector and Gas Chromatograph with
Mass SpectralDetector

BioTek Synergy H1 Microplate Reader
with associated regent dispenser for
fluorescence and abosrbance
Agilent UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
with thermostatted multi-cell sample holder
BAS Potentiostat
for electrochemical characterization
For fast reactions:
For cell biology:
GAM nanosecond-pulsed excimer laser & Luzchem transient absorbance spectrometer