The Pratt Group
Organic & Bioorganic Chemistry
Natural Product
projects involve organic synthesis, physical organic chemistry, computational chemistry,molecular and cell biology

The public are constantly bombarded with media and advertising suggesting that certain fruits, vegetables and grains promote good health and longevity because they are full of beneficial compounds - often believed to be antioxidants. While in many cases there is solid epidemiological evidence on which these suggestions are based, the molecular underpinnings of the biological activities of extracts of these foods is often seriously lacking. In our group, we work to make up this gap, and uncover the true molecular mechanisms responsible for the therapeutic or preventive action of natural product-derived antioxidants.
Two projects ongoing in our laboratories:
Garlic and Related Species of the Allium Genus:
a Bounty of Biologically-Active Organosulfur Compounds
Curcumin, Lignins and other Polyphenolics:
Radical-Trapping Antioxidants or Electrophiles?